Reduction of Work Related Injuries by 96%

Our Early Beginnings
Since 2006, we managed over 20,000 early intervention cases with a reduction of work-related injuries by 96%. As a result, we saved our clients over 170 million dollars. In addition, we have kept 1.7 billion dollars from being snatched away from our clients’ sales due to workplace injuries and illnesses. We are an injury prevention business. Our clients experience a significant reduction in reported work-related injuries. One of our clients reported going six years with only seven injuries! Healthy employees are the bottom line!
The reason we are so successful is because of our consultants. Our consultants go to great lengths to find high-quality, relational individuals with a high skill set. As a result, we find the best people to join our team. Honest, diligent, fair-minded, and hard-working are all personal attributes in each of our consultants. If you take the time to read our consultants’ bios, you see stories of some remarkable people. Not only are they experts at reducing workplace injuries, but they are truly good people and devote their life to the betterment of society.
Secret to Our Success
Our consultants love their family, friends, and animals and they live a life of love and service. They are highly relational people, bringing everyone inside and leaving no one out. When our team works with a client, we build relationships and genuinely try to make a difference in the life of each person we meet.
The core philosophy of Peak Ergonomics is to help others. When we meet with someone, we do our best to help the entire person. What we do is help your employee achieve their peak health potential. Not only do we look at the occupational risk factors, but we also look at their risk factors. Sleeping posture, hobbies, caregiving, uncontrolled medical conditions, and a long list of individual items may also need to be corrected to resolve their problem. Our professional ergonomics team listen to the person and help them to the best of our ability, and we give generously of our knowledge. We have created a video library of our preventive exercises and share them on our website with the entire world.
If you are interested in reducing work-related injuries and illnesses, please reach out to us. You can email us at [email protected] or call 573.239.3666. Contact us now for your Free Ergonomics Consultation and Quote.
Paul Krewson
Founder & CEO